Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Watercolor Worship

Two new pieces I have been working on.  My main focus has been to doodle black and white images, but I've been dying to use the Artist's Loft cheap-ie tray of pan watercolors I got. You know.... the one everyone is using.  So I had some extra fun and water-colored both doodles.  May be using these for stamps in the future.  Anyways.  Give me a thumbs up, or share if you like :)


  1. Those are beautiful. I like watercolors but have heard they are a hard to work with. Those prints convey such childlike joy; they remind me of Bible camps!

    1. Than you Hillary! Watercolors are super fun to work with. For this project I simply put water on the paper everywhere I wanted color and i just dropped color in and helped them blend a little. :)
